Gerald Davenport's new land speed Crosley 1010 at the 2008 Nationals. Gerald will be running in a different sub-class than his CC sedan racer but still in the under 45 CI class. Gerald will be trying for the world record in August at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Check out his website for the latest news, a video on the building of 1010, photos and a chance to be a sponsor for only $15.
Here are some pictures of the Cockpit and Engine compartment as well as a 3MB video of the car so you can hear it run.
Good Luck Gerald |

Dave Potts bought this very nice 1942 pickup in Seattle, "Fresh out of the barn." I could be turned into a Pre-War owner if I found one as nice as this one. Doesn't look like it will take much to make this into a real nice Pre-War truck. | 
Dave adds this status report: "I have begun the restoration and the chassis is almost complete with powdercoating, new bushings, basically everything redone from the rubber up. When that is complete, will start on the body." |
 Dale Liebherr of Minden, Nevada seny pictures of his pride and joy. - More pictures: Engine, Interior. | 
"This is my 51 Skorpion that I have had for 26 years now. It has a Chuck Kohler Header and Duel Card intake. It took me about nine months to restore it with a lot of help from Butch and Fonda and Chuck Kohler." |

"Me in maybe 1975 or 76 taken at our house in Allen Park." | 
"My sisters, me, and my dad taken in about 1975 or 1976 at our house in Allen Park, Michigan"
This months pictures were sent to me by Joe Kaczmar, they were scanned from his uncle Ronnie Kaczmar's, photo album. |

Our President Dave Anspach having his 1951 Hot Shot judged at the 2008 Concours d'Elagance at Hilton Head. The judges are seeing if he knows his stuff and the car meets the grade. | 
He took best of Class with his Hot Shot. Congrat's Dave. Here are a few more shots of the award winning HS. |
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